BRL2 Publishing: Braille Literacy Materials and Curriculum

Girl reading braille

BRL2 Publishing is a company specializing in publishing materials in UEB (Unified English Braille).  Products include UEB Too - A Supplement to the Braille Too Curriculum, which is designed to teach the changes from the previous code (English Braille, American Edition) to the new Unified English Braille code that was implemented in the United States in January, 2016. 

Six Dot Celebrations ​is the latest UEB material, encouraging students to practice reading and writing UEB while celebrating the seasons and 35 different holidays celebrated in the United States and Canada.

These are both released on a USB drive that contains Word and Duxbury files for the teacher and student editions, enabling an individual teacher to print and emboss the copies needed for themselves and their students.

Download flyer about Six Dot Celebrations.