Braille Code Collection Boxes

Braille Code Collection Boxes

In my experience children love to collect things in boxes or containers. Here I use the idea to help introduce the letters or contractions of the braille code.  We collect small items that begin with the letter we are working on, such as "t for teddy" or "c for car" and we create the keys of the braillewriter, with the correct keys used to write the letter highlighted with a different texture or color of tape.

This activity extends the use of alphabet boxes by adding the element of learning the dot number configuration and correct finger placement of each alphabet letter or contraction.

Materials required

  • 1 x White label
  • Small pieces of velcro
  • Sticky back braille
  • Foam or thick card
  • Double side tape
  • Thick card to cover box lid
  • Textured paper
  • Boxes with lift off lid, any size box can be used
  • Objects begining with the letter or part of the code being taught


Braille collection box examples: "t" for "teddy" and "c" for "car"



  1. Use the double sided sellotape to cut and secure a piece of card in place the size of the top of the box. (Any box with a lift off lid can be used to make these Braille Code Boxes, the bigger the box the bigger the objects the child can have fun collecting!)
  2. Add a piece of coloured foam, approximately half the size of the box lid, use double sided sellotape to secure in place.
  3. Cut out Braille Writer keys and use double side tape to secure in position.
  4. Use textured paper to identify the keys that form the letter or contraction, cut to shape and stick in place.
  5. Add the braille/print letter in the top right corner, using a white label to print the letter and add braille on sticky back braille paper.
  6. Add a small strip of velcro to the middle of the box and add an object beginning with the sound, ch, wh, ed, ou, ar, etc.
  7. Add some objects to the box beginning with that sound for the child to explore.


  • The child could have it as a weekly activity to add objects to the box, whilst they are working on the particular letter/sound.
  • Make up games where a selection of objects are placed on their tray and they add to the box the ones beginning with the letter sound
  • Put some braille sticky labels in the box and as the child moves around their environment they take a label from the box and add it to the object they locate beginning with that letter sound


For more fun, creative ideas visit

Collage of Braille Code Collection Boxes