Assistive Technology Evaluation

A girl sits in front of a computer keyboard and monitor

This self-paced online course on Assistive Technology Evaluation is offered free of charge by the Distance Education program at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.  The objectives of the course are:

  1. to raise the awareness that an assistive technology evaluation is a process of observations, interviews, and problem solving activities to find a solution that is appropriate for a student with visual impairments, multiple impairments, or deafblindness.
  2.  to demonstrate activities that were developed to observe a student performing several tasks. How well the student performs the tasks can determine whether this assistive technology solution is appropriate.

The course includes the following evaluation lessons:

  • Ergonomic Adjustments
  • Determining Font Size and Typeface
  • Short writing task
  • Long writing task
  • Computer interaction
  • Mouse adaptation