10 Tips for Reading Aloud to Children Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

Woman reading to young girl

National Braille Press shares 10 tips for reading aloud to children who are blind or visually impaired.  These suggestions may be useful to families or teachers of young children with visual impairments.  Tips include:

  1. Choose the right book.
  2. Make reading a family tradition.
  3. Take you time.
  4. Before reading each page, describe the images.
  5. Use vocal expression.
  6. Describe and model the facial expressions and body language.
  7. Ask simple questions that spark responses and foster empathy.
  8. Use tactiles while you are reading - toys, objects found around the house, natural materials found outside.
  9. Let your child help tell the story.
  10. After reading the story, be sure to discuss it.
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