Online Training and Research for Nemeth Code

Nuts and Bolts of Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts for Middle and High School Students Synchronous Online Training in June 2022
We are recruiting 25 teachers of students with visual impairments throughout the United States who currently have or anticipate having a braille reader using Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts in grades 6-12 next year to participate in the training. Since the training will focus on secondary math and science symbols, teachers should be able read and write Nemeth Code symbols used in the early elementary grades.
Who is Conducting the Training?
• Dr. Tina Herzberg, University of South Carolina Upstate
• Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum, Vision for Independence LLC
• Ms. Susan Osterhaus, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired • Sara Larkin, Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Who Can Participate in the Training?
We are recruiting 25 U.S. TSVIs who currently have or anticipate having a braille reader using Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts in grades 6-12. TSVIs should be able read and write Nemeth Code symbols used in the early elementary grades.
What is Involved in the Training?
- Complete a 20-item Nemeth Code within UEB Context multiple choice pretest.
- Attend and participate in three online sessions to be held on: June 9 from 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern, June 16 from 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern, and June 23 from 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern
- Complete a 20-item Nemeth Code within UEB Context multiple choice posttest. • Complete a post-training online survey.
- Submit a work sample that will be evaluated by Drs. Herzberg and Rosenblum.
What Do I Need in Order to Participate if I am Selected?
You will be provided all training materials, including braille files. You must have an internet connection, ideally on a computer. You will be expected to engage in discussion and activities throughout the sessions so you should be in a place where you can give your full attention to the training. You must complete activities between sessions.
Is This Training Part of a Research Study?
Yes, it is! Participants’ surveys, pre/posttests, and work samples will be analyzed.
How Do I Sign Up to be Considered for the Training and Research Study?
Click and complete the consent form and pre-training online survey by Friday, May 27, 2022.
When Will I Know if I am Selected to Participate?
Participants will be notified by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 if they are accepted.
Who Do I Contact for More Information?
Dr. Tina Herzberg,, (864)-503-557