Instruction of Keyboarding Skills: A Whole Language Approach to Teaching Functional Literacy Skills to Students who are Blind and Have Additional Disabilities
Submitted by Charlotte Cushman on Apr 01, 2012

Instruction of Keyboarding Skills: A Whole Language Approach to Teaching Functional Literacy Skills to Students who are Blind and Have Additional Disabilities
By Mary Stauffer, The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
International Journal of Special Education, Vol. 23, No. 1 (2008)
This article describes an unconventional method to teach uncontracted braille reading and writing skills to students who are blind and have additional disabilities. It includes a keyboarding curriculum that focuses on the whole language approach to literacy. A special feature is the keyboard that is adapted with braille symbols. Un-contracted braille reading is not taught, but is acquired simultaneously while embedding essential concept skills.