Framework for Developing Evidence-Based Early Literacy Learning Practices

Young boy with glasses looks at a picture book

Framework for Developing Evidence-Based Early Literacy Learning Practices
Carl J. Dunst, Ph.D., Carol M. Trivette, Ph.D., Tracy Masiello, Ph.D., Nicole Roper Ed.D., & Anya Robyak M.Ed.
Center for Early Literacy Learning:  CELL Papers, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2006)

A research-to-practice framework is described for organizing available research evidence and using this evidence to develop literacy learning practice guides and tool kits. The framework includes a model of early communication, language, and literacy development; operational definitions of seven overlapping areas of literacy skills; a description of the person and environment factors influencing literacy learning; and an organizing scheme for developing evidence-based literacy learning practices. The framework is being used at the Center for Early Literacy Learning for culling research evidence to identify the characteristics of early literacy learning experiences associated with later literacy success.

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