Proof Positive Now Released!

two flash drives with "Proof Positive" written on them

The latest product to be released by BRL2 Publishing, Proof Positive, is a set of materials with three different reading/writing levels (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced) that provide practice in proofreading and editing Unified English Braille. The first two levelsĀ  each consist of 30 lessons made up of 5 sentences containing errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar and braille. The 30 lessons of the third level, designed to help high school students prepare for college entrance and state-mandated tests, consist of a paragraph (usually 7-10 sentences each) containing errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and braille (including indicators and some special symbols). Students are to find and correct 20 errors in each lesson.

Each USB drive contains print teacher files (MSWord documents in 14 pt Arial) and student braille files (DBT for embossing using Duxbury and BRF to use with refreshable braille devices). Braille teacher files will also be available.

Price per USB drive is $75.00 plus $4.00 shipping (within the U.S. for up to 4 USB drives in one mailer). Please contact BRL2 Publishing for international shipping, adding optional insurance on shipping, or shipping more than 4 drives.

Learn more.