Looking for Help Updating Braille Designs with UEB

Braille design of birthday cake

Thanks to years of volunteer efforts on the part of many TVIs, braille transciptionists, family members, and other volunteers, we have a good selection of braille drawings. It has come to our attention that many of these are in EBAE (English Braille American Edition) and they need to be updated to UEB (Unified English Braille).  We would welcome your help with this project!  We know one administrator who has a professional development goal of keeping her braille skills up to speed and she is planning to do one.  We know some students who may be interested in doing this project.  And some of you may have some extra time over the holidays to help out.  Whatever the situation, we welcome your help!

In order to keep this organized and to prevent a duplication of effort, we ask that you email us to let us know which design you are doing. We don't want people to spend time doing the same drawing that someone else is already doing. If you find that something has already been done, let us know, so that we can take it off of our list.

Special Requests

We also have requests for some specific projects, such as a Menorah for Hanukkah.  We also have a request for a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day.

Create Your Own Braille Design!

In addition, we welcome any designs that you may have that you would like to share.  We often get requests for specific designs, which is not something that we're able to keep up with.  We would love to get directions from you for anything you have created, along with an image of the finished product.  We also welcome .brf files that are ready to emboss.  Please email us any designs you create!

Learn how to create your own braille design!

Thank you in advance for your help with this project!

Braille design update collage