Free CVI Assessment Scenario Training Now Available

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TSBVI Outreach has announced that they now offer a free online Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) Assessment Scenario Training.  Diane Sheline, Sara Kitchen, and Lynne McAlister have developed three modules based on Dr. Christine Roman's three Phases of CVI. Each module is a case study and it follows the child through the CVI Range assessment process. There is no charge for the courses and CEUs are available.

Skills presented in this series:

  • Participants gain increased awareness of Phase I, II, and III of CVI by observing students who are functioning in each of those phases.
  • Participants continue to build observation skills of the characteristics of CVI.
  • Gain further understanding of how testing and intervention are specific to that student’s visual functioning as well as functioning in other skill areas.
  • Increase familiarity and comfort with Christine Roman-Lantzy’s CVI Range.
  • Increase readiness for more intensive training on this assessment.


Courses in this series:

These courses can be taken in any order, and you do not have to complete any that are not relevant to your students. 

CVI Scenarios - Introduction

CEUs offered: .5

The introduction contains a discussion of learning objectives for the series, materials needed to complete the courses in the series, and a pre-assessment to ensure that participants have the knowledge required to complete the training. This introduction is bundled with each of the courses below. When a participant completes it once in the first course, it does not need to be taken again later for a different course. The system will know that it has already been completed.

CVI Scenarios - Phase I Case Study 1: Isaiah

CEUs offered: 4

In Phase I CVI the goal is building visual behavior.  This means that a child is beginning to become aware of visual targets in controlled environments.  In this case study we meet a boy who is just barely starting to use his vision.  These visual behaviors are subtle and require keen observation skills.  This module will help participants begin to hone those skills.  

CVI Scenarios - Phase II Case Study 2: Eli R.

CEUs offered: 4

In Phase II CVI the goal is integrating vision with function. This means the child is beginning to be able to use their vision while at the same time using their other senses, such as tactile and auditory. In this case study we follow a young man at the beginning of this integration, what may be considered early Phase II.

CVI Scenarios - Phase III Case Study 3: Eli H.

CEUs offered: 4

In Phase III CVI the goal is the refinement of the CVI Characteristics. This means the child uses their vision throughout the day but is still not able to perceive or understand all of the visual details of the world.


View the Course Listing

You can find the courses here: