Braille Strategies

Below are strategies posts related to Braille.

ueb 9 collage

UEB Lesson 9: Grade 1 Symbol Indicator used in UEB

Free lesson to teach changes in braille code to students who know EBAE and are learning UEB (Unified English Braille)
Candy corn with braille

Candy Corn Braille Nemeth Matching Game

Fall Halloween braille activity using Candy Corn
ueb lesson 8 collage

UEB Lesson 8: Capitalization Used in UEB

Changes in capital indicator in Unified English Braille (UEB)
group posing for camera

Creating a Children's Book about Students with Visual Impairments

Two college students create a story about students with visual impairments.
ueb lesson 7 collage

UEB Lesson 7: Period, Decimal and Dot Used in UEB

This lesson is designed to help braille students make the transition from EBAE to UEB (Unified English Braille).
ueb lesson 6 collage

UEB Lesson 6: Miscellaneous Symbols

Lesson to teach braille students to make the transition from EBAE to UEB (Unified English Braille)
girl holding police letter

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments About the Role of Police

Activities for students with visual impairments to learn about the role of the police
"On the Braille Beach"

Creating a Theme for Your Braille Classroom

Make your braille classroom more engaging by decorating with a theme! Students can help to select the theme and plan the decorations.
Student using braille writer

School Year Journal

Encourage your students who are blind or visually impaired to write using these school journal ideas
Flashcards with Braille and Printed Lesson Sheets on Desk

Teaching Alphabetic Order

Lesson idea to teach alphabetic order to students who are bind or visually impaired
storage closet

Making Storage Accessible

The ability to access books and materials easily and independently is crucial to the development of early literacy skills for children who are blind, visually impaired or deafblind.
The braille words I, cheese, pizza, and like and a period are on small plastic tiles on a black felt board from APH.

"Can We Do Oreo Reading Now?” # 2 – Making Sentences Activity

Activity to provide practice to braille readers in making sentences using motivating materials
ueb lesson 5 collage

UEB Lesson 5: Punctuation Used in UEB

This lesson is designed to teach braille students to identify punctuation used in the UEB (Unified English Braille) code.
hangman game

Adapting Hangman for Students with Visual Impairments

Adapting the game of Hangman for braille readers and students who are blind or visually impaired to play with their sighted peers
ueb lesson 4 collage

UEB Lesson 4: Typeform Indicators used in UEB

Lesson on Typeform Indicators used in UEB for making the transition from EBAE (English Braille American Edition) to UEB (Unified English Braille)
ueb lesson 3 collage

UEB Lesson 3: New Spacing in UEB

Lessons to help braille students make the transition from EBAE (English Braille American Edition) to UEB (Unified English Braille).
ueb lesson 2 collage

UEB Lesson 2: Eliminated EBAE Part Word Contractions No longer Used in UEB

Lesson to teach braille students about the changes in contractions in UEB (Unified English Braille). Includes Duxbury file.
Picture of book with textured pictures and braille

“Can We Do Oreo Reading Now?” #1 Key Word Books

Create books for braille readers using key words of interest to them to provide motivation.
Liam's word book

Braille Word Dictionary

Create a personalized braille word dictionary for your students who are blind or visually impaired!
ueb lesson 1 collage

UEB Lesson 1: Eliminated EBAE Part Word Contractions No Longer Used in UEB

Lesson to teach braille students about the changes in UEB
