End of the Year Checklists for Teachers

As we count down the days until summer break, we busily wrap up our school year, reflect, tie up loose ends, look towards next year, and CELEBRATE our hard work.

As tempting as it is to run and not look back at the end of the year, you will thank yourself for doing your due diligence by having students’ files in order. This means making sure there are no Evaluation Reports or IEPs (Individual Education Plans) due the first week or two when school starts again. Putting data sheets in their files and doing exit interviews with teachers, parents, and staff is also beneficial before we start a well deserved break.

Exit Interviews

Exit interviews can be formal with questions and answers via a document, but the end of the school year is a very busy time. Instead, having a 5-minute conversation with staff asking for a "wrap up" of what worked and what we could try to improve on can go a long way.  
Have questions designed for positive outcomes and not just a way for someone to vent to you.  


End of the Year Checklists

Linked below is a PDF for TVIs (teacher of the visually impaired). It is a one page “Year at a Glance” check list that includes an end of the year portion by the website: TeachingVisuallyImpaired

  • Order novels and textbooks needed in special format (ex. large print, PDF)
  • Update each student’s working file with the most recent information
  • Ensure that all AT equipment has been returned and placed in the designated inventory
  • If students will borrow school purchased materials over the summer, have the family complete a material loan form
  • Organize office and VI storage materials

Year at a glance checklist available at teaching the visually impaired website

Especially Education is a great website that has resource, ideas, and handouts.
Handouts: Free Data Sheets
Here is her end of the year checklist blog

Especially Education home page with a unicorn with its title


Reflections from a 2nd Grade Teacher

Read about a 2nd grade teacher, Jen Chipman, as she experiences having a child who has CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment) in her classroom. She reflects about the positive, even life changing, experience.

Second grade teacher with her student showing the class her writing folder


Reflection while tying up the loose ends and tasks at the end of the school year will create a plan that is managable and will allow you to be proud of the year you and your students have accomplished.

End of the Year Checklist