Debra Goodsir's blog

Paths to Literacy -- Literally!

It’s amazing how much the example of a competent older student with a vision impairment can impact on all of the outcomes for younger students with vision impairments. And it’s equally amazing how allaying one basic fear in a learning setting can raise the expectations of a whole staff across all areas of school life. 

The impact that higher expectations can have on a student’s learning is magnificent.

Incorporating Literacy and Accessibility into a High School Food Design Class Party

I love Paths to Literacy and often use the ideas it presents with my students. I read everything I can, pass it on to other TVIs and class teachers and discuss it with my students. I also love working collegially with creative, enthusiastic classroom teachers. Here’s an example of how we’ve recently used ideas from Paths to Literacy: specifically from Liam’s mom, to create a wonderful class lesson. 

Planning a Food Design Party

10 Minutes With: Developing age-appropriate vocabulary with students with multiple disabilities

boy sitting at desk

The development of vocabulary and an understanding of the patterns of language are essential parts in the development of literacy. "10 Minutes With" is a program which has enabled some of my students, who have multiple disabilities, to develop broader vocabularies and a greater understanding of patterns of language used in speech.  

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