Jaime Brown's blog

Circle Time: Incorporating Literacy and Choice-Making

Circle times in early childhood classrooms (preschool and early elementary) frequently follow the same format.  Students have an opportunity to say hello, participate in attendance, review the calendar, sing a couple of songs, and read a story. There are fun and easy ways to incorporate literacy and choice-making opportunities during circle.

Saying "Hello"

Storybox and Activities for The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Very Hungry Catepillar Story boxThe Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a classic loved by children and adults.  This is a great story for teaching many topics and concepts, including big/little, life cycle, colors and foods.  Teachers can adapt the story to meet varying needs, abilities, and interests of their students.  In my class, my students have

Friendship and Fun: Storyboxes and More!

Teddy Bear and book


This month we are learning about friendship and how to have fun with our friends. We are reading two books in class and many of our activities are based upon the stories.  My students are learning how to participate in parallel and cooperative play activities. Stories are always a great way to introduce concepts.



Story Box Ideas for Holiday Stories

by Jaime Brown and Katie Armstrong, Preschool Teachers at the Foundation for Blind Children, Phoenix, Arizona.  (Editor's note:  Jaime and Katie both teach children who are blind or visually impaired and Jaime's class includes children with additional disabilities.  Both have included ideas and adaptations for their different groups of children, according to the needs of the students.)


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