Book About the Concept of Big and Small
Submitted by Liamsmom on Feb 19, 2013

Concept book:
My 3-year-old son Liam, who is newly deaf/blind (lost his sight and hearing to Meningitis a year ago) is learning ASL and picking up on sign language very quickly. The next set of books I wanted to make for my little guy were concept books. Books that teach him a concept but are also repetitive and teach him new sign. The book that is shown below focuses on the concept of BIG and SMALL.
Other ideas of concept books I will be making for him soon (I would love any input on other ideas of concepts) :
-The pages are pre-cut cardboard pages and come hole punched and with a key ring (bought it at Michael's for $1.50). They have sturdier ones that I usally prefer (because they have 3 hole punches and 3 rings) they cost around 8 dollars.
-hot glue gun (all of my books are made with lots and lots of hot glue)
-duct tape (only needed if you have a toddler who is as "rough" on equipment as mine. He loves to test the
durability of the books I make him! haha)

-braille words
-ASL pictures of the words you are focusing on (if applicable)
Learning Target:
For Liam to use the words "Big" and "Small".
Explanation of the book:

Why I chose the pictures/objects that I did:
I tried to find objects that Liam would find interesting. I also needed to find objects that would fit onto the size book that I was using. Of course, I also I had to choose the objects that were similar just different in size (big vs small).
After I read the book with Liam I show him other objects that are big and small. For example, in the pictures below I show: a small ball and a big ball, small keys and big keys, small shoe and big shoe. All of the objects I would let Liam feel in the extension are objects he knows well and knows the signs of already.